Monday, July 7, 2008

Support Letter

Hello Friends and Family!

Praise Him! The Lord is doing an awesome work in our lives! For those of you who have not heard, my family and I have decided to stay in the metro-Detroit area! After much soul-searching, praying, fasting and seeking wise council, we have chosen to stay in ministry partnership with Oasis House of Prayer (OHOP) and Bethesda Bible Church. These are very exciting times and we are blessed to have an opportunity to be a part of what is going on here. On a personal level, we are learning so much about God’s Word, prayer, fasting, intercession and ministry. We know God is calling us to stay here for a season to sit before Him and learn from His Spirit. Our desire is to be firmly rooted in His love, in prayer and in His Word before we are sent out to what He calls us to next.

I (Jerome) am going to be on staff with OHOP as co-director of the ministry. I will be a full-time intercessory missionary helping to lay a solid Biblical foundation for OHOP, as well as, partner with the Lord to raise up others who have a desire to see 24/7 worship and prayer established in the metro-Detroit area. I will also continue to come alongside of Pastor Rachel Rodriguez and Bethesda Bible Church to fuel the fire of worship and intercession at my home church in Ypsilanti. Hilda will continue to serve the Lord in the marketplace and use her musical gifting to reach the lost in our area. Zion will begin first grade in the fall and she, too, will be using her talents and anointing to further the Kingdom. We are excited to move forward together as a unified family under the Lordship of Jesus Christ!

If each person who I have communicated this to would consider giving either a one time gift or partnering with us monthly for ONE YEAR , the cost of finding a two bedroom apartment in Canton and general living expenses would be covered. Since not everyone will be able to give financially, would those who have the means please prayerfully consider donating a larger gift to cover for those who can't afford a gift at this time? I am also asking that those who are unable to provide financial support please consider joining me in prayer and fasting. In particular, I am setting aside Thursdays to fast and pray for the Lord's direction and provision in our lives.

I have included a response card with this letter so we can accurately keep track of your contributions and remain in good contact with you while we are serving the Lord at OHOP and Bethesda Bible Church. Also, please visit my website regularly for updates at

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this need. We are looking forward to hearing from you by July 31st. May the Lord bless you richly for your partnership with Him on our behalf.

God's Best,
Jerome, Hilda and Zion Bernard

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