Friday, February 12, 2010


Will I be offended?

Isaiah 55:8 says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways declared the Lord.

Often when we hear a word from the Lord we begin to envision, or daydream how things will play out. We daydream about just how things will look, how everything will fit, or work together. Maybe I shouldn't say we. It is crazy how it's more comfortable to say we. So let me say I, because who knows maybe no one else does this. (although I have an inclining that I am not alone) Recently in my life there has been a few events that didn't turn out how I expected. During a time of pouring out my complaint before the Lord He spoke the above scripture to my heart. As I entered into another time of transition, or shifting I felt the Lord told me to just embrace Him. I struggled because I didn't know what He was doing. So walking in blind faith I told the Lord that although I am uncertain what the heck is going on "I TRUST YOU." How do you embrace Him anyway? It sounds good but I didn't exactly know what He meant. Over the past couple of weeks I begin to understand that He was telling me to embrace what He was doing, to embrace the process that He was taking me and my family through. I still don't understand the full picture but He gave me a glimpse of what He is doing and this gave me so much peace and hope.

Time after time I have found myself secretly asking God why, why, why? At times my why would turn into frustration, then into anger, eventually accusation, and offense.

Who am I to accuse God? Who am I to point my finger at Him and blame Him?

All this would simply spring from things not going my way, or the way I daydreamed it. How often I loose sight that He is the Author and Finisher of my faith, that He knows the End from the beginning, that He is Alpha and Omega, and that He knows the plans that He has for me to give me hope and a future. I had to learn to give up all control! It seems so safe when I can control things. But what happens when things aren't in my control? What do I do than? This time around I choose to believe what the word says in Isaiah 55. My ways are not His way...I have learned that it is best to let Him have His way.


God always has a master plan, even tho we don't always understand. I pray all the time about Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done. But when He comes to do His will I trip out. I am so glad He is full of compassion. I can only imagine sometimes how this must look from His point of view! I believe God allows me to get pressed so that what's in me can get out. If you squeeze a grape, it's gonna gush! His pressing or squeezing is motivated by love and compassion, it's full of mercy and grace. 2 Corinthians 4:17 says For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Don't you wish you could remember this when you are going through?

I know I'm rambling but I believe some can identify with this, and plus it is 2am. LOL! I am choosing to embrace what He is doing. I believe He wants to get that accusation out of me. That knee jerk reaction that I bend towards when things are out of my control. He also wants to touch that area of my heart that can so easily get offended at Him for not going by Jerome's plan. During times when He is dealing with issues of the Heart I am thankful for Scriptures like Isaiah 42:3. I am so thankful for His gentleness.

So be encouraged today if you have found yourself in a time of pressing or squeezing. Surrender to what He is doing. You will also see the good that is in you as well.

1 comment:

Anita Louise said...

Good good! It's nice to know you are not alone- in what you feel at time while still being held accountable!