Monday, September 16, 2013


It's 10:33pm on Sunday September 15,2013 and I am finally sitting down to actually write this update. This past year has been an emotional roller coaster for our family. We received a word from Eava Currence July 2012 that was short but timely. She said “Jerome do not fear the change that is coming.” I knew that this was directly related to EHC in some way. I kept this word tucked in my heart and when the Intercessory Missionary program ended I was thankful that the Lord showed me kindness and spoke to me. When the program ended we were not able to to raise funds through EHC anymore and the airplane that represented the prayer room needed to be landed. This threw us into relying on God like never before. I have repeated the cycle of anger, sadness, joy and eventually overwhelming peace multiple times since that day. My anchor during this time was the word that the Lord gave me in February of 2010. While reading about Nehemiah, I felt deep within my spirit that I was to help build The Wall. (To me this meant that I would coming along side of what the Hieberts were doing and giving my all, and eventually coming along Tanner and giving my all.) I am confident that the Lord has a plan to build His house of prayer here in the Springs. I am also confident that I have a part to play in this.

The biggest challenge we have had this past year is finances. My partnership development dropped significantly but I believe the Lord used this to answer my prayer. I have spent a substantial amount of time asking the Lord to help me to be faithful and steady regardless of my situation. Psalm 110:3 says Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power... I am aware that this passage points to other things, but I feel that it also point to the heart of the volunteer. From February 2010 until February 2012 I constantly sang and declared that His leadership over my life was perfect, that just and true are all His ways, that if the north winds or the sound winds were blowing up on me I would love him, that He is worthy of me embracing simplicity, that the knowledge of God was high on my list, that in the midst of everything I would seek Him as my one thing, and that in the darkest night of my soul I would be found singing. At some point our profession of faith gets tested and we see what has really taken root and what hasn't. I have not always been victorious during this time. I have had my share of compromise and being led astray by doubt, fear, and unbelief. But a couple of things never changed. Hilda and I have stood and remain in agreement and I have not stopped singing.

The last three months have been the most challenging but we are standing strong and unwavering. There are three specific things I want to share. First, the Lord revealed to me that I had felt like I was rejected and this caused me to draw within. The phrase He actually gave me was “The Turtle Effect.” Picture a turtle who is in a crowd of people but only sticking its head out enough to barely see and barely to be seen. When the Lord reveled to me that this is what I had been doing I repented and allowed Him to minister truth to me. Second, there was about a $1500 difference in what we were getting verses what we needed each month to survive. We received a word in Jan of this year that said “I am challenging you to trust me like never before.” This has rang true every single month this year. We have seen God provide in miraculous ways, and we stand in awe of His provision. We are behind in some ways and we are expecting that to change sooner than later. He has used this time to shake and begin to uproot fear in our hearts that was laying dormant. Thirdly, my eyes have been opened to the gift of relationship that he has surrounded me with. My wife is and has been a huge source of encouragement to me. I am blessed and overwhelmed that when we didn't know how things would work out she would look me in the eyes and say “Jerome you are doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing, and don't stop.” I am learning how to unwrap this gift of relationship, and it is bringing so much healing to my heart. I know this is longer than usual, but I wanted to give you a real time update of whats going on. I recently came to a point of utter desperation needing to know from the Lord if I was done and needed to move on to something else. After praying and sitting with wise council I know that I am to continue to remain faithful and steady in the place of prayer, and worship before the Lord. God is pouring out His spirit of revelation like never before in my life, and I still have some sorting to do concerning specific expression of my gift mix. Currently I am doing 12-15 hours at EHC, this includes devo sets, worship with word sets, intercession sets, (actively praying for the nations), and praying for the ministry and staff of EHC. I am spending anywhere from 3-8 hours a week at Mercy's Gate (in my next update I will share about how God is moving by His spirit there), I am also helping with High Place Ministries serving on a soaking prayer team anywhere from 2-4 hours a week, and I am also spending time strengthening prayer and worship at City of Jesus House of Prayer, Boulder Street Church (40 hours of prayer events) and other events as they arise. Hilda is working part time now at Gold's Gym in the house keeping department, and is teaching/coaching with the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony. We are down to one roommate and my 12 year old nephew from Denver is now living with us. We feel him moving with us is very timely and we see it as God's intervention in his life. He is now on a direct course with the destiny that God has in store for him. There is much grace on our lives to walk out the practicals and we are grateful for this. I will be looking for something part time until my partnership development picks back up. Thank you for your prayers, financial gifts, your words of encouragement, and for just running this race with us. We draw so much strength and encouragement from you.

Please agree with us in prayer
*For a $6000 debt to get paid off so Hilda can return to school to teach *For our partnership team to increase *For everything concerning our nephew living with us *For our Girls (Zion just entered middle school, and Zaria is 3 ½ years old...if you have kids you know) *For me to be faithful and steady *For us to walk through the correct doors *For our marriage (that we would walk in fullness in every area)